Top Chess Girls Join UQ Faculty in Fall 2022

FM Alice Lee and WIM Zoey Tang, nationally #1 chess girls for their age groups, have accepted the invitation by Unruly Queens to join its faculty team starting Fall 2022. “We are so excited that Alice and Zoey will be our new instructors. They will contribute immensely to our lectures by sharing valuable insight, experiences, and advice,” WIM Ellen Wang, founding member and lead instructor of Unruly Queens said.

The Fall 2022 Unruly Queens Free Group Lesson Series which will take place on Zoom every Tuesday from 7-8pm Eastern Time, starting on 9/20 and concluding on 12/06. Participants will be split into two groups based on playing level, and all girls are welcome!

For those who attended UQ summer lessons, they are more than welcome to come back! The fall curriculum will cover a wider spectrum of topics together with a richer collection of examples/exercises than in the summer. There could be a chance that some topics will be repeated, but they serve as a good opportunity to reinforce certain concepts with more practice. To register, please fill out the google form here, and any questions can be directed to